本科学费 & 费用

国外博彩app学费, 食物, 住宿和费用作为一个本科生-看到估计的费用出席.



大学教育是对你未来的投资. Our team is here to understand your individual financial situation and find ways to meet your needs. 在国外博彩app, 我们将为您提供指导, 回答问题, and help make sure you and your family are making informed decisions every step of the way.


国外博彩app, 我们不希望我们的教育成本限制了你亲身实践的机会, 世界一流的教育. We will work with you to make sure you can manage the cost in the most responsible way possible.


鉴于FAFSA推出的延迟, the enrollment deposit deadline for admitted first-year applicants has been extended to June 17, 2024. Claim your spot by completing the 招生 Response Form in your Redhawk 招生 Portal.

Two students walking across the Quad, iconic Administration building in the background


了解国外博彩app的本科学费. 了解本科学费,住房,膳食计划和本科费用.



学费 每一个信用 每季度 学年
全日制(12 - 18学分)   $18,540 $55,620
兼职(1 - 11学分) $1,236    
2024年夏* * $742    
英语语言和文化桥梁(ELCB) 1000级以下 $397    
审计人员 $260    

国外博彩app costs are set yearly and subject to change each summer quarter for the coming year. 国外博彩app reserves the right to revise its charges at any time without prior notice.

** 2024年夏季学费比标准学费低40%.

国外博彩app探索不同的宿舍楼和公寓选择, with a variety of room types and pricing to accommodate your needs during the academic year.

贝拉明,坎皮恩和泽维尔 2024-2025季度费率 2024-2025 *学年
$4,218 $12,654
$3,118 $9,354
双+ $3,218 $9,654
三倍 N/A N/A
三+ $2,567 $7,701
夏丹 季度 *学年
$4,490 $13,470
$3,357 $10,071
套件 $3,270 $9,810
Kolvenbach 季度 *学年
双人房 $3,184 $9,552
墨菲的公寓 季度 *学年
价格取决于室友的数量和房间的大小 $3,136–$5,916 $9,408–$17,748
道格拉斯的公寓 每月 *学年
1 - 5间卧室 联系租赁办事处  
Yobi 季度 *学年
价格取决于公寓的式样 $4,163–$5,413 $12,489–$16,239
六、希尔伯特大厅 每月


工作室- 4间卧室 联系租赁办事处  


为即将到来的学年计划你的餐饮选择. 探索膳食计划的选择,并找到不同计划类型的成本细目, 为有特殊情况的学生提供选择.

计划类型 计划描述 季度 学年
最大 对于特别丰盛的食客 $2,974 $8,922
扩大 对于那些主要在校园里吃大餐的人来说 $2,478 $7,434
住宅 所有住校的一年级和二年级学生的最低要求 $1,982 $5,946
限制一个 A reduced meal plan available upon request for residential students with specific medical or financial circumstances $1,487 $4,461
限制B A restricted meal plan only for those who are not required to purchase a meal plan. $992 $2,976
方便 为那些不需要购买膳食计划的人提供的最低计划. $495 $1,485
研究生/通勤 供偶尔需要在校内购买膳食的学生使用. $213 $639


Supplemental meal plans for students who already have an existing meal plan and would like to add money to their meal plan balance. Contact 住房 for more information about adding a supplemental amount to your meal plan.

请不要通过您的电子帐户添加资金, you will only be able to add money to your meal plan balance through supplemental meal plans.

See the additional fees related to applying, enrolling and attending 国外博彩app.

类型 成本
本科申请费 $60
学士学位阶段后的 & 非入学申请费 $60
健康费,本科入学12学分或以上(每季度) $166
健康费,本科入学12学分以下(每季度) $166
技术费,本科入学12学分及以上(每季度) $201
技术费, Undergraduate Enrollment of Less Than 12 Credits (per quarter) $201
入学费(一次性,不可退还) $175
Undergraduate 健康 Insurance 2022-23, International Students (mandatory, annual rate) TBD
新生迎新费 $275
转学生入学介绍费 $185
第一年出席嘉宾(每人) $65
接送嘉宾(每人) $45
入学确认金** $500
转学生入学确认保证金 $200
留学后提交截止日期 $125
海外教育项目开始后提交 $250
转学衔接费 $1000
成绩单(需额外支付供应商服务费) $7.50
成绩单加急处理(每份成绩单) $25
换领文凭(4-6周交货) $25
文凭更换,美国.S. 地址(包括SU) $100
换领身份证(校园卡) $20
Late Registration Fee (per course for registration after the add/drop period) $50
现场经验验证(每学时) $90
考试学分(每学时) $95
土木工程(NCEES) $65
电气工程(NCEES考试) $65
机械工程(NCEES) $65

** The Enrollment Confirmation Deposit is a confirmation of intended enrollment for new Undergraduates for Fall Quarter. 这将适用于秋季的学费. Students who decide not to attend SU after submitting a confirmation deposit will be eligible for a $200 refund until August 1st.

Students attending for Winter or Spring Quarter are not required to submit tuition deposits.



The mandatory 健康费用 provides funding for several health and wellness resources that benefit all 国外博彩app students, 包括获得TimelyCare服务. 除了, 健康费提供了进入大学健身中心的机会, 在线和面对面的健康和健康项目, and allows Seattle U an opportunity to develop new resources and services for on-campus and online students.


The mandatory 技术费 makes up a small portion of the funding for Information Technology Services (ITS). In part, the 技术费 is used to assist with the cost of core student systems (e.g., Canvas, mySeattleU, 微软办公室), 公共安全系统, 互联网服务, 网络, 还有更多.


The one-time mandatory 入学考试费 offsets the cost of maintaining and storing academic records.


The one-time mandatory orientation fee enables a holistic engagement experience that supports transition to the Redhawk Community. The fee offsets the cost of sessions and events such as expert speakers and event facilitators, 社区餐, 还有学生纪念品.


Nursing BSN: Applies beginning the spring quarter of the student's sophomore year: $490 for the 2024-2025 学年.


有些课程有额外的相关费用. These are listed in the course section details on mySeattleU when conducting a search for classes.

出勤费用 & 财务需要

准备学生的经济援助奖, the 学生财务服务 Office subtracts the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as calculated from the information provided on the student's FAFSA, 从估计的出席费用, 通常被称为学生预算, 确定财务需求.

Following are sample student budgets for the 2024–2025 nine-month academic year for full-time undergraduate students enrolled for 12–20 credits.

预算类别 本科生
学费 $55,620 $55,620
书 & 供应 $792 $792
技术费 $603 $603
健康费用 $498 $498
活动费用 - -
住房 $9,756 $2,871
食物 $5,946 $2,871
贷款费用 $65 $65
个人支出 $1,848 $1,848
运输 $1,776 $1,776
总预算 $76,904 $66,944

*Enrollment requirements and tuition rates for graduate students vary program-by-program so actual tuition and book costs vary widely from this sample budget.

在经济需求确定之后, 学生金融服务部准备了一份经济援助奖, including as much aid as the student is eligible to receive within the constraints of both the student's need and the availability of funding. 取决于学生的资格, 经济援助奖将包括一个, 以下部分或全部类型的援助:奖学金和/或助学金, 工作机会和贷款.

A student can see their costs after financial aid on the financial aid offer by accessing it through the 金融援助 Self Service portal via mySeattleU online.


学杂费: 包括学杂费,通常由学生承担. 根据你预期的入学情况.

住房: 无论房间类型如何,学生的平均住宿时间都是这样. 实际费用可能会根据房间分配而有所不同.

食物: 成本 based on residential meal plan and is based on 3 meals per day for 7 days a week. 实际费用可能会根据你选择的膳食计划而有所不同.

书籍及用品: Estimated costs based on Washington 金融援助 Association recommended amount informed by student surveys, 包括书籍, 供应, 个人电脑需求.

交通: Estimated costs based on Washington 金融援助 Association recommended amount informed by student surveys, 其中可能包括校园之间的交通, 住宅, 和工作.

个人费用: Estimated costs based on Washington 金融援助 Association recommended amount informed by student surveys and includes a variety of miscellaneous costs students may experience.


The net price calculators are designed to help you estimate your financial aid options for 国外博彩app. Please be sure to complete the entire process to ensure the best possible results.

Please note that the tool demonstrates possible aid for domestic students only. International students should contact the 招生 Office for information regarding merit-based aid options. 



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